A leading name in hand protectionFor over 50 years, Showa has offered high-performance solutions to the complex problems posed by hand protection at work. Its continuous progress in international markets is proof of the increasing success of Showa gloves with users. This is because Showa understands its customers' requirements and takes account of their priorities. For companies as for consumers, a glove is more than just a protective item of equipment. A good glove also has to enable easy hand movement by restoring the mobility and comfort that gloves naturally reduce. Through their contribution to increased productivity, Showa gloves represent a profitable investment while making a significant contribution to improving working conditions. Showa has put innovation and operational excellence at the core of its industrial campaign and development strategy. The development of each glove entails a precise study of all the quality parameters – concept, suitability for the work environment, ergonomics, flexibility, effectiveness of materials, manufacturing processes – resulting in the best possible balance between safety, dexterity, performance and price. Faithful to its history, its customer-focused R&D programmes and its desire always to meet user demands in the best possible way, Showa will continue to offer ever more high performing protection solutions, in the long term helping to encourage the wearing of gloves and reduce accidents at work.