美國HUMPHREY電磁閥、HUMPHREY氣缸、HUMPHEY排氣閥、HUMPHEY手控閥等進口機電工控產品。產品型號、規格齊全。 主要型號:2P,4P,4PPX,31P,41PP,42PA,41T,41R,RSR,SC1,34B,34C,BF1,PBF1, 125A/AA,125LA,125AH,250A/AA,250AL,500A/AB/AG,SS250A,501A/AA-501-4A/AA,M/42A,M/42A2,VA125A,250A,500A,590A,Y125N,Y205N,Y500IN,125NI,R561,R332C,H010 4E1,H041 E1,HA041 E1,HG010 E1,HKL5
按鈕型/杠桿型 2&3&4方向手動閥 125P、125HO、125T、125V、250P、250HO、250T、250V、250-4H 球塞型/柱塞杠桿型2&3方向機械作動閥 有125系列(125B、125MP、125MC、125MOC、125C)及250系列(250C) 圓配管型 2&3&4方向氣壓閥 型號(125A、125AA、125LA、125AH、250A、250AA、500A、501A、501AA、501-4A、501-4AA、590A) TAC 級 2&3&4方向手動閥 型號(4P、4PP、4V、41P、41PP、41V、41TD3、41TS3、41TDS3、41RD3、41RS3、42P、42PP) TAC 級 手動/機械操控配件 有滾珠型、滾子凸輪型、單向凸輪型、指壓型腳踏型 34CW 34C 34B 34T 34F TAC 級 氣動操控配件(空壓導引器) 34A 34AS 34AR 34ASR 341A 341AS 341AR 341ASR TAC 級方向閥 減壓閥,速度控制閥,止逆閥,梭動閥 快速型SQE排氣閥
Established over 100 years ago, Humphrey is a leader in the pneumatic industry, providing inventive, engineered solutions to organizations worldwide. On every project, we work to not only solve your fluid control challenges, but to also improve your overall production process. This comprehensive approach offers significant outsourcing advantages including access to advanced manufacturing technologies, reduced time-to-market, reduced development, procurement and manufacturing costs, and more. Headquartered in Kalamazoo, Michigan, we have become the outsourcing partner of choice for organizations in a wide range of industries. We have an expert staff of more than 300 associates to serve you in locations throughout North America. We also have an extensive network of worldwide distributors, as well as the resources of our international alliance partner Koganei, one of the largest pneumatic companies in the world.