奧地利MESSTECHNIK-SCHALLER接近開關、SCHALLER傳感器、SCHALLER安全開關、SCHALLER電子開關。SCHALLER接近開關、SCHALLER傳感器是由奧地利梅斯-斯樂MESSTECHNIK SCHALLER公司生產的。 SCHALLER電感式接近開關屬于一種有開關量輸出的位置傳感器,它由LC高頻振蕩器和放大處理電路組成,利用金屬物體在接近這個能產生電磁場的振蕩感應頭時,使物體內部產生渦流。這個渦流反作用于接近開關,使SCHALLER接近開關振蕩能力衰減,內部電路的參數發生變化,由此識別出有無金屬物體接近,進而控制開關的通或斷。這種接近開關所能檢測的物體必須是金屬物體。SCHALLER電容式接近開關亦屬于一種具有開關量輸出的位置傳感器,它的測量頭通常是構成電容器的一個極板,而另一個極板是物體的本身,當物體移向接近開關時,物體和SCHALLER接近開關的介電常數發生變化,使得和測量頭相連的電路狀態也隨之發生變化,由此便可控制開關的接通和關斷。這種接近開關的檢測物體,并不限于金屬導體,也可以是絕緣的液體或粉狀物體,在檢測較低介電常數ε的物體時,可以順時針調節多圈電位器(位于開關后部)來增加感應靈敏度,一般調節電位器使電容式的接近開關在0.7-0.8Sn的位置動作。接近開關:CND32PDS……, Messtechnik Schaller GmbH Measurement devices for humidity and material moisture - dampness - water content FS_3 Biomass: Thanks to the development of FS_3 Biomass it is possible to measure the moisture content of wood chips, barks, wooden pellets, wood shavings and sawdust with one instrument by very simple handling. For data acquisition and analysis for billing we developed the software FS_3 View. RLF-TS: Discontinued Product! Support will be continued! Humidity and temperature measuring device for paper stacks and air. LF_pro: Thermo hygrometer whith sword shaped sensor for paper, automatic data logging (AutoLog) up to 9500 measurements (humidity and temperature). P2: Non destructive portable instrument, to measure absolute dampness of miscellaneous paper sorts. LM5: Leather moisture meter - non destructive, handy format - easy to have it by man, with digital Display (LCD), and selector switch for your own leather sorts.